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Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument
Florissant, Colorado: Estimates of Paleoclimate

The great diversity of fossils found at Florissant provides insights into the ecology, climate, and elevation of Florissant during the latest Eocene. The Eocene-Oligocene boundary marks a major cooling trend that resulted in global climate change. Florissant Fossil Beds attracts the attention of scientists studying the impact this global climate change had on life. Methods using plants and insects have been employed to infer past climate at Florissant.

Paleobotanical Methods

It is well known that the distribution of modern plants correlates well with climate. Methods that use biological evidence to estimate paleoclimate fall into two broad categories: leaf morphology and taxonomic composition. Leaf marginal analysis (LMA) and Climate-Leaf Analysis Multivariate Program (CLAMP) are based on the leaf morphology of angiosperm dicots. The Nearest Living Relative (NLR) method and taxonomic calibration are based on taxonomic composition.

Taxonomic Composition

Nearest Living Relative

The Nearest Living Relative method (NLR) compares fossil plants to their nearest living relatives, whose current climatic tolerances are used to infer past climate. Paleoclimate is estimated by establishing the climatic overlap of modern living relatives of fossils found in the assemblage. Proper identification is critical and it must be remembered that organisms may evolve adaptations which change their climatic tolerances. The nearest living relative method works best if the fossil assemblage has a modern analog.

Taxonomic Calibration

Taxonomic calibration uses environmental variables, such as mean annual temperature and mean annual precipitation, to calibrate mathematically the relationship between climate and the taxonomic composition of modern vegetation. The taxonomic composition of extant taxa found within the fossil assemblage can then be compared with the modern taxon-climate calibration to infer paleoclimate. Taxonomic calibration is usually performed at the species level. Boyle, Meyer, and Enquist (2008) used taxonomic calibration at the genus and family levels to identify the closest modern analog for Florissant fossil flora and to infer paleoclimate. The study used the taxonomic composition of 241 modern forest plots to calibrate multiple climate variables with forest type. At both the genus and family level their analysis placed the Florissant fossil flora between modern deciduous forests of the eastern United States and the humid subtropical montane forests of central and northeastern Mexico. Estimates for the mean annual temperature for Florissant during the Eocene using their calibration with modern forest plots ranged from 14.7 ± 2.2 degrees Celsius using the genus level to 15.6 ± 2.5 degrees Celsius using the family level. This range of temperatures is consistent with a warm temperate lowland or subtropical to tropical highland climate (Boyle et al, 2008, p. 42). This study demonstrates the possibility of using taxa higher than the species level as paleoecological and paleoclimatic indicators. NLR and taxonomic calibration at the species level require precise identification of taxa. Taxonomic calibration using higher taxa requires only approximate identifications to the family level.

Leaf Morphology

Leaf physiognomy refers to estimating paleoclimate using leaf morphology. Leaf physiognomy has the advantage of not requiring plant identification and is said to be ataxonomic. Leaf physiognomy analysis takes advantage of the fact that extant angiosperm dicots exhibit certain leaf structures, which correlate to precipitation, humidity, and temperature. Convergent evolution produces similar leaf adaptations for similar environmental conditions among flowering plants of different lineages. For example, evergreen leaves in humid environments usually have drip-tips, compound leaves are frequently associated with deciduous forests, and leaves with serrated margins dominate humid, cool environments while leaves with entire margins prevail in humid, warm environments (Stewart & Rothwell, 1993, p. 494). Eight leaf characters often used in this approach include leaf size distribution, leaf margin type, drip tips, organization (simple or compound), venation-pattern, venation density, leaf texture, and leaf base type (Cleal & Thomas, 2009, p. 34). Two methods utilize leaf physiognomy to reconstruct paleoclimate: Climate-Leaf Analysis Multivariate Program (CLAMP) and Leaf Margin Analysis (LMA).

Climate-Leaf Analysis Multivariate Program

Climate-Leaf Analysis Multivariate Program (CLAMP) utilizes a data base that correlates modern vegetative types to climate for estimating paleoclimatic variables among fossil leaf assemblages. CLAMP uses 31 leaf character states of at least 20 species of woody dicots to map out the vegetation within a small area associated with a climate station (Wolfe, 1995, p. 122). The modern data base now represents 173 plant communities mostly from Northern American forests. Leaves of a fossil assemblage can be scored using the same 31 leaf character traits and positioned on the physiognomic space defined by present day plant communities. In this way, CLAMP can provide climatic parameters related to precipitation, humidity, and temperature. Scoring the multiple characteristics used for CLAMP requires expertise and may be challenging for fossil leaves.

Leaf Margin Analysis

Leaf Margin Analysis (LMA) is a univariate approach which correlates leaf margin (entire vs. toothed) with mean annual temperature (MAT). Warmer climates have a higher percentage of smooth-edged species than cooler climates. Another univariate approach correlates leaf surface area with mean annual precipitation (MAP). Leaves tend to be small in hot, dry climates and larger in wetter climates. A univariate approach only allows you to evaluate one parameter of climate at a time. However, scoring one character trait at a time may make a univariate approach less ambiguous (Wilf, 1997, p. 385).

Botanical Estimates

Modern Florissant has a MAT of around 4 degrees Celsius and an annual precipitation of 38 centimeters (Meyer, 2003, pp. 51 & 52). How does the present day MAT and annual precipitation compare with Florissant during the latest Eocene as estimated by paleobotanical methods? NLR, taxonomic calibration, and CLAMP have been used to estimate the paleoclimate of Florissant. The CLAMP estimates of MAT range between 10.7 and 12.8 degrees Celsius (Meyer, 2001, p. 210). In general, this range is consistent with a temperate climate and, at the low end, implies a high frequency of freezing temperatures during the winter months. Estimates based on NLR give a MAT of around 18 degrees Celsius. In general, this mean annual temperature is consistent with a warm temperate climate that boarders on subtropical. MacGinite used the composition of the fossil flora to estimate a MAT of 65 degrees Fahrenheit or 18.3 degrees Celsius (MacGinite, 1953, p. 57). The addition of a palm leaf fossil to the Florissant fossil flora and an analysis of fossil pollen and spores add support for a warm temperate climate that was relatively frost free (Leopold & Clay-Poole, 2001, p. 29). The MAT estimates based upon taxonomic calibration fall between the cool temperatures predicted by leaf physiognomy and the higher temperatures predicted by the nearest living relative method (Boyle et al., 2008, p. 33). Smaller leaves with serrated margins are associated with seasonally dry climates. Fossil leaves at Florissant have been used to estimate an annual precipitation of 50-80 cm per year with a dry season (Leopold & Clay-Poole, 2001, p. 48; Meyer, 2003, p. 52).

Using Extant Insect Taxa to Infer Past Climate

Like modern plants, the distribution of many insect taxa correlates well with climate. Three methods have been developed that utilize the ecological tolerances of extant insect taxa to infer past climate and include; the modern analog approach, the nearest living relative approach (NLR), and the mutual climatic range (MCR) approach. All three methods have been used primarily for estimating the paleoclimate of Quaternary fossil assemblages.

Modern Analog & Nearest Living Relative

The modern analog approach uses the composition of extant climate indicator insect species found within a fossil assemblage to infer the paleoclimate of the ancient community. The NLR approach uses the climatic tolerances of modern insects believed to be the nearest living relatives of extinct taxa within the fossil assemblage to infer paleoclimate. Modern analog and NLR approaches are qualitative in that they have no specified number or method for selecting taxa to be used in a study. The MCR approach is quantitative and typically uses the overlapping climatic ranges of all extant, non-phytophagous beetle species within a fossil assemblage to infer paleoclimate.

Mutual Climatic Range Estimates

Moe and Smith (2005) used the MCR approach with fossil Diptera from the Florissant Formation to test the accuracy with which pre-Quaternary insect fossils can be used to determine paleoclimate (pp. 203-214). Moe and Smith used extant Diptera genera found within the Florissiant Formation for their MCR analysis. MCR analyses were performed using all extant fossil Diptera genera and then again with non-host-specific taxa. It is assumed that insects with host specific relationships with plants (phytophages) or animals (sanguivores) skew the data because their presence may reflect the climate range of the host instead of the insect. Their MCR analysis using only non-host-specific taxa yielded a climate range equivalent to a MAT of 12 to 16 degrees Celsius. The Köppen climate classification places this MAT within the warm-temperate to temperate climate range which is consistent with the majority of climate estimates for Florissant using paleobotanical methods. The authors also used habitat preferences of the extant Diptera genera to interpret the paleoenvironment of Florissant as a forested area with open areas near freshwater. Moe and Smith’s study (2005) provides evidence that the MCR approach can be used for pre-Quaternary insect fossil assemblages.

The incredible fossil assemblage at Florissant includes extant taxa that now inhabit a wide variety of climates from cool temperate to tropical. The Eocene started out as the warmest time on Earth during the Paleogene period. In fact subtropical forests extended into the arctic. The transition from the Eocene to the Oligocence marks a cooling trend that resulted in a global climate change. The Florissant fossil communities lived at a time that was very close to these changes in climate. These facts spark our curiosity about what the climate was like at Florissant during the latest Eocene. We do not have direct measurements of paleoclimatic factors. However, as we have seen, multiple methods using fossils as proxy sources for climatic values have been applied to Florissant Fossil Beds. Some lines of evidence from fossil flora to fauna support a warm temperate to temperate climate with moderate rainfall in the summer and dry, mild winters (Leopold & Clay-Poole, 2001, p. 18) whereas other evidence indicates that cooler conditions prevailed. All of the estimates are much warmer than Florissant’s current MAT of 4 degrees Celcius.


Boyle B., Meyer, H.W., Enquist, B., and Salas S. (2008). Higher taxa as paleoecological and paleoclimatic indicators: A search for the modern analog of the Florissant fossil flora. In Meyer H.W. and Smith, D.M. [Eds.] Paleontology of the Upper Eocene Florissant Formation, Colorado. (pp. 33-51). The Geological Society of America, Special Paper 435.

Cleal C.J. & Thomas B.A. (2009). Introduction to Plant Fossils. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.

Leopold, E.B. and Clay-Poole, S.T. (2001). Fossil leaf and pollen floras of Colorado compared: climatic implications. In Evanoff, E., Gregory-Wodzicki K.M. and Johnson, K.R. [Eds.] Fossil Flora and Stratigraphy of the Florissant Formation, Colorado. (pp. 17-55). Proceedings of the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, series 4, number 1.

MacGinitie, H.D. (1953). Fossil Plants of the Florissant Beds, Colorado. Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication 599.

Meyer, H.W. (2001). A Review of the paleoelevation estimates for the Florissant flora, Colorado. In Evanoff, E., Gregory-Wodzicki K.M. and Johnson, K.R. [Eds.] Fossil Flora and Stratigraphy of the Florissant Formation, Colorado. (pp. 205-216). Proceedings of the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, series 4, number 1.

Meyer, H.W. (2003). The Fossils of Florissant. Washington: Smithsonian Books.

Moe, A.P. & Smith, D.M. (2005). Using pre-Quaternary Diptera as indicators of paleoclimate. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 221: 203-214.

Stewart, W.N. and Rothwell, G.W. (1993). Paleobotany and the Evolution of Plants [2nd Ed.]. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Wilf, P. 1997. When are leaves good thermometers? A new case for Leaf Margin Analysis. Paleobiology 23: 373-390.

Wilf, P., S.L. Wing, D.R. Greenwood and C.L. Greenwood 1998. Using fossil leaves as paleoprecipitation indicators: An Eocene example. Geology 26: 203-206.

Wolfe, J.A. 1995. Paleoclimatic estimates from Tertiary leaf assemblages. Annual Reviews of Earth and Planetary Science 23:119-142.

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